Tag: impression

Ein instrumentelles ‘Verhältnis’/’Parallelität’ zur Expression.
Ein expressionelles Verhältnis zur Expression.

Vielleicht auch: Ein schematisch-geordnet-strukturiertes ‘Verhältnis’/’Parallelität’ zur Impression.
Ein offen ungesichertes Verhältnis zur Impression.

As I yesterday watched the video of Eurythmics doing “Miracle of Love” live 1987 in Sydney. There was to me in (maybe a sequence of) moments the nonrelative and subjective-absolute beauty of David A. Stewart and Annie Lennox and of the music and sound it resounded in me. Today, it would be a different experience to watch the video, but — in my current estimation we are (more or less metaphorically) fractals — I can still somewhat remember a kind of reverberation of the momentary experience and the beauty it had (for example put in the reduction of words with: sounded or resounded) to me in my then-constellation.